Workshop "Patients’ Changing Agency in the Tension of digital and non-digital Health Communication" in Hamburg, 4th & 5th February 2020
4. Februar 2020
Patients’ Changing Agency in the Tension of digital and non-digital Health Communication
Workshop of the collaborative Research Project „Automated modelling of hermeneutic Processes – The use of Annotation in Social Research and the Humanities for Analyses on Health“ (hermA)
4th & 5th February 2020, University of Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 West, Room 221
As the digitalisation of health systems is progressing, digital and non-digital health communication are increasingly challenged, new possibilities as well as pitfalls especially for patients arise. Digital devices and infrastructures are built increasingly for the various processes within the health system. Communication and the manners in which knowledge is generated in the field of illness and health in the digital sphere change as well as concepts of privacy and anonymity. An intensive discussion of the appertaining norms and values has begun in this context. Therefore, questions concerning the changing relationship between patients, health care providers, and the technical infrastructure emerge. Regarding diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, patients’ changing agency as their processual capacity to act and to decide on their health is becoming an important angle. A special focus lies on mental health care and the area of emotional and mental support.
The workshop aims to differentiate the research area of digital and non-digital health communication with a focus on patients’ changing agency, asking after evaluations of the changing field of health. The workshop therefore examines these perspectives in an interdisciplinary context and brings them together focussing on the discussion of emerging phenomena and research questions.
Tuesday, 4th of February
13:00 Welcome and Introduction
13:30-15:30 Representations of Health Communication
What kind of new health communication emerge and what existing forms persist? What role do changing agencies play here? How are they represented within the tension of digital and non-digital settings?
Preferences for online E-mental Health interventions in Germany: a Discrete Choice Experiment
Elena Phillips, Hamburg Centre for Health Economics, University of Hamburg
Challenges for Internet Users as Health Agents in their own Affairs
Claudia Lampert and Maia Abaiadze, Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute Hamburg
Mental-E-Healthy: Digital mental Health Care in India
Claudia Lang, Institute for Anthropology, University of Leipzig
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Expertise, Public and Privacy within Health Communication
Where is agency for health expertise generated and what publics are emerging within health communication? What changes of privacy and anonymity have evolved or are in the making?
Stigmatized. Intruded. Disempowered? Do-It-Yourself Therapy Groups in Digital_Cultures
Paula Helm, Goethe University Frankfurt a.M. / Fernuniversität in Hagen
Critical digital Research on medicinal Cannabis Discussions: Preliminary Findings and Considerations
Katrine Meldgaard Kjær and Per Møldrup-Dalum, IT University of Copenhagen / Royal Danish Library
Self-Cutting, digital-material Bodies, material-virtual Worlds
Annie Inman, Department of Anthropology, University of Sussex
18:00 Wrap Up of Day One
19:00 Dinner and informal Get-Together (at an external restaurant, self-payment)
Wednesday, 5th of February
9:00-11:00 Platforms of Health Communication
Which platforms are of relevance for health communication and what kind of agencies arise in this context? How are apps developed in this context and what are they used for? What role do blogs and social media communities play?
#WeAreNotWaiting - Hacking Health as a „matter of care“
Lisa Wiedemann, Sociology with special Focus on Microsociology, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
Situating Expertise in the Diagnosis of Autism: Parallel Lay and Professional Expertise in a Time of Diagnostic Splitting
Jamie Steele, Department of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy/New York
Mental Health Chatbots for Delivering Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Kerstin Denecke, Nicole Schmid and Stephan Nüssli, Bern University of Applied Sciences / Suchtfachklinik Zürich
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:30 Knowledge Transfers within Health Communication
Where and how is knowledge produced and transferred within health communication? Who are the agents of what kind of knowledge? What are the differences between digital and non-digital in this regard?
Talking about lived Experience in bipolar Disorder: a corpus linguistic Analysis of Social Media Posts
Glorianna Jagfeld, Steven Jones, Fiona Lobban and Paul Rayson, Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research / School of Communication and Computing, Lancaster University
What we can learn about People struggling with “Anxiety” from Social Media?
Leyla Dewitz and Judith Ackermann, Digital Media in Social Work, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
How much Information is in clinical Texts? An Annotation Study of German clinical Text
Christina Lohr, Jena University Language & Information Engineering Lab, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
13:30 Wrap Up of the Workshop
14:00 End of the Workshop
Participation within the workshop is free of charge, but registration is needed. Please register via contacting Lina Franken (lina.franken@uni-hamburg.de) no later than January 31st.
Workshop organisation and planning: Lina Franken, Gertraud Koch, Heike Zinsmeister